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Don’t Lose Out to Competitors! Keep Your C-store Design Up-to-date

The convenience store landscape is changing due to multiple factors including increased purchasing power of millennials and Gen Z’s, ambitious green energy goals set by the US government, and the desire by many post-Covid for contactless transactions. C-store owners want to keep the feel of a corner store with personable interaction for long-time loyal patrons but at the same time need to offer updated, convenient, and cost-efficient service as generational expectations change.

Millennial and Gen Z buyers are tech-savvy shoppers. Many rely on mobile apps to order and pay for food and merchandise, fuel their car, or find and pay for electric vehicle (EV) charging. They have driven trends to offer contactless payment, vending machines, and scan-and-go technologies. In addition, the Covid pandemic helped accelerate this contactless trend. Not every customer will want a contactless experience, so the c-store owner must provide choices to the consumer so patrons will be able to choose how they interact, order, and pay.

Along with the generational shift is the move toward electric vehicles. The U.S. government has set an ambitious goal to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including electric battery, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. By incorporating EV charging stations, c-store owners can get ahead of the competition, attract customers who own electric vehicles and get the added benefit of increasing in-store foot traffic.

Technology Considerations for C-store Design

Which technology should the c-store owner incorporate to produce a user-friendly process and attract more customers? Current technology to consider for your c-store includes mobile apps, EV charging stations (along with solar to help manage costs), touchless payment options, digital wallets, automated kiosks, beacon technology, geofencing technology, mobile ordering, and micro fulfillment centers.

In addition to finding fuel or EV charging, mobile phone apps can also help promote other available services or amenities and can prompt the driver with personalized offers for order-ahead food, coffee, or other in-store purchases. Combining this with a digital wallet payment feature contributes to a seamless, user-friendly experience.

Offering EV charging stations allows c-store owners to attract customers with electric vehicles, a demographic which is increasing as automotive companies turn to manufacture electric cars over gas-operated ones. When considering EV charging stations, it is important to look into solar also as a solution to help reduce associated electricity costs. An added perk with EV charging is that customers can mill around while waiting for their car to charge. Beacon technology makes it possible to know when a customer is on-site and can allow for prompting the customer with deals or offers to invite them inside while waiting. Furthermore, by supplying automated kiosks or micro fulfillment centers, the customer can choose convenient, contactless options.

How Do I Afford C-store Upgrades?

Installing new technology in your c-store can result in increased revenue and help you gain a competitive edge, but the upfront cost of equipment and reworking space requirements can be daunting. EMR Finance specializes in c-store and green energy financing and can help owners elevate their stores to the next level without disturbing cash preserves. Equipment, construction/installation costs, and servicing can be bundled into a financing package with a monthly payment that fits the needs of your business while allowing you to rise above the competition. Contact EMR Finance today at (972) 994-6719 or for a quote on your project or click the apply now button to get started.

If you want to learn more about the future of c-stores and how to reimagine your site, the resources below are helpful:

eBook: The Future of Convenience Stores Is Now (from C-store News website)

White Paper: Reimagining Sites + Stores (from Bona Design Lab)